---To The Sliver Fox---
---And The Wife He So Loved---
love was a love like no other for it was written among the stars two
souls collide and glided into one creating pair of a life time no other
love would or could ever match the love the silver fox and the woman he
would call the love of his life a woman who fit him like a glove a pair
that was unbrakable, to see this love was only but a glips of the magic
the two love birds had for they were truly one of a kind a love u wish
everyone had for there love was one of grace and grandure a love for all
the ages I saw the love in there eyes when they would talk about the
other eyes would light up and smile and that will never be forgotten
i'll never forget the leather coat over the sweater and the sliver hair
as he walked in to macys that day with he bride on his arm for he was
truly one hip cat so to u sliver fox i say good night may u rest in
peace my dear friend and the the lady sliver fox i say that one day you
see your sliver fox agen and all those who are in heaven will see one
truly great pair and say wow there's the sliver for and his foxey lady
so to u i say he was love and still is and i will never for get the
sliver fox